Nous avons vu plusieurs personnes avec les vêtements traditionnels. C'est très charmant de voir toutes ces personnes habillées comme ça, incluant la famille ci-contre.
Blogue international de Ricky et Min Lin. Ricky and Min Lin common international blog.
Infirmière: "We've detected a Urinal Tract Infection in your urine sample, you'd need to come in to get antibiotics"J'allais plus tard apprendre que ce genre de problèmes chez l'homme est en général causé par des MTS ce qui explique qu'elle n'était pas très à l'aise!
Moi: "Oh, really? How did that happen?"
Infirmière, de toute évidence mal à l'aise: "Well, there are a number of different causes...".
"It is interesting because I'm not feeling any pain. Shouldn't it be painful?"Pour ceux qui connaissent mon nom complet, ça a juste pas de bon sens que mon nom ressemble à celui de quelqu'un d'autre puisqu'il est plutôt unique!
Infirmière "No pain? Are you sure? Strange... Let me ask the Doctor."
(un peu plus tard) Infirmière: "Dr. Chong says that we just got lucky by catching it early..."
Moi: "Wait, who's Dr Chong?"
Infirmière: "Wasn't he the one who did your exam?"
Moi: "No, my Dr. name is Vahamaki. I had my first exam this week."
Infirmière: "Uh? Wait... One moment please..."
(encore un peu plus tard) Infirmière: "So sorry sir... We had the wrong file, you are perfectly healthy... There was a mix up with a patient with a similar last name."
Moi: "Are your ABSOLUTELY sure this time that everything is fine?"Conclusion: si jamais ils m'annoncent que j'ai le cancer, je vais demander une seconde opinion pour faire sûr parce que de toute évidence ils font parfois des erreurs sur la personne...
Infirmière: "Yes sir, I'm sure. So sorry. Have a nice weekend!"
Ricky_(Mon Sep 17 2007 21:58:49 GMT-0700 (PDT))>
I need the 13 digits number for the install program
It will not recognize my address info and I don't have a bill yet
Bernardo(Tue Sep 18 2007 00:59:07 GMT-0700 (PDT))>
Are you installing a new modem?
Ricky_(Mon Sep 17 2007 21:59:33 GMT-0700 (PDT))>
yes, self install kit
Bernardo(Tue Sep 18 2007 00:59:38 GMT-0700 (PDT))>
But you already have one installed. Is that correct?
Ricky_(Mon Sep 17 2007 22:00:41 GMT-0700 (PDT))>
I think another analyst had it registered last Friday night if that is what you are referring to
Bernardo(Tue Sep 18 2007 01:01:09 GMT-0700 (PDT))>
Yes, then you don't need to run the installation CD again,Ricky
Your modem was already provisioned and running
Ricky_(Mon Sep 17 2007 22:01:57 GMT-0700 (PDT))>
well, it doesn't let me go outside the initial download page for Comcast installer
Bernardo(Tue Sep 18 2007 01:03:08 GMT-0700 (PDT))>
Please connect to the modem again
You should be able to connect to the internet using your modem
Ricky_(Mon Sep 17 2007 22:04:11 GMT-0700 (PDT))>
Are you sure? can you diagnostic it remotely?
do you have tools to verify it is online and working?
Bernardo(Tue Sep 18 2007 01:04:24 GMT-0700 (PDT))>
Ok, let me check again
Bernardo(Tue Sep 18 2007 01:05:08 GMT-0700 (PDT))>
I do apologize, the modem is still in wallgarden
Ricky_(Mon Sep 17 2007 22:05:40 GMT-0700 (PDT))>
ok, so I need the 13 digits number?
Bernardo(Tue Sep 18 2007 01:05:49 GMT-0700 (PDT))>
Yes. Your Comcast account number is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ricky_(Mon Sep 17 2007 22:08:07 GMT-0700 (PDT))>
see that number I got when I call 1800COMCAST
it has more then 13 digits I think
and it definitely does not work
the program is really asking for 13 digits
in the help sample
Bernardo(Tue Sep 18 2007 01:08:44 GMT-0700 (PDT))>
Thats the Comcast account nubmer, Ricky
If you I can try to provisioned the modem now
Ricky_(Mon Sep 17 2007 22:12:34 GMT-0700 (PDT))>
that would be best yes
Bernardo(Tue Sep 18 2007 01:12:57 GMT-0700 (PDT))>
I do apologize, but I've realized that I don't have access to the provisioning server right now.
Ricky_(Mon Sep 17 2007 22:13:34 GMT-0700 (PDT))>
so if you don't have access...could I also not have access?
i.e.: if it is broken for you, maybe its broken for me too?
Bernardo(Tue Sep 18 2007 01:13:53 GMT-0700 (PDT))>
No, you can register it using the Comcast software
No. It's not broken.
I can see that your modem is connect and ONLINE, you should be able to connect to the provisioning server to register your modem
What you can do is to clear the cache from your Internet Explorer
Ricky_(Mon Sep 17 2007 22:19:51 GMT-0700 (PDT))>
hmmm, you mean Safari or Firefox; this is a Mac. ok, I'll try again out of desperation but if the last 2 weeks are any indication, I won't have any luck.
Bernardo(Tue Sep 18 2007 01:19:50 GMT-0700 (PDT))>
Ricky_(Mon Sep 17 2007 22:20:11 GMT-0700 (PDT))>
bye bye