Thursday, July 9, 2009

Soy Story

So what's the bottom line? If you're a woman who has been diagnosed with or has a family history of breast cancer, it's probably safest to avoid soy. Men hoping to father children should probably limit the amount of soy they eat, and parents would be advised to follow the Israeli guidelines in serving soy foods to their kids, especially infants and toddlers.


When it comes to soy and health, there isn't much consensus. But there is one thing that both the anti- and pro-soy camps seem to agree on: Fermented soy is good for you.

1 comment:

Min Lin said...

Studies also show that stinky tofu is a healthy fermented soy product since it has lots of good bacterias. The problem is the cooking process that kills the good bacterias, such as deep fried stinky tofu... Seems that the better way to profit from the good bacterias of stinky tofu is to eat is raw!