Friday, July 3, 2009

Really, 64% for Public Enemies?

ROTTEN TOMATOES: Movies - New Movie Reviews and Previews!


Public Enemies

I like to rely on Rotten Tomatoes because they gather and summarize the rating of many critics.

On opening night, Public Enemies had 64% so we decided to go see that.

Although the acting was good and the cinematography was great, it wasn't entertaining or emotionally appealing.

I think Rotten Tomatoes still works, as long as you look for something that has >75% (3/4 of critics like it).

1 comment:

Matchoc said...

Rotten Tomatoes works well if you want a movie that will please anyone. But if you're looking for a more specific genre I find it lacking.

For example I greatly enjoyed Speed Racer. It's not a masterpiece, but I think it's worth more than it's current 36%.

Or maybe I'm just developing a taste for lemons...