La tradition Taiwanaise veut que les morts est leur propre maison c'est à dire qu'il ne faut pas mélanger le monde des vivants avec celui des morts. En prévision du placement final des restes de la mère à Min Lin, nous avons donc été visiter samedi le columbarium (structure contenant les urnes) Bei Hai Fu Zuo [北(bei3) 海(hai3) 福(fu2) 座(zuo4)] et géré par Gobo Service.
Quoique le columbarium n'est pas un concept étranger en Occident, celui-ci est particulièrement gigantesque puisqu'il y a, dans les 15 étages, assez d'espace pour 250,000 urnes (certains étages ayant une capacité de 30 milles urnes).
The Taiwanese tradition is the departed should have their own house - the world of the living and the dead should not be mixed. In anticipation of the final placement of the remains of Min Lin's mom, we have been visiting a columbarium (structure containing urns) on Saturday: the Bei Hai Fu Zuo [北(bei3)海(hai3)福(fu2)座(zuo4)], a columbarium managed by Gobo Service.
Although the columbarium is not a foreign concept in the West, this one is especially huge because there are, in the 15-storey high building, enough space for 250000 urns (some floors with a capacity of 30 thousands urns).

Easily accessible by a bus leaving the nearest metro station, the columbarium is located in the mountains and has ample parking.... The building has a temple where the Buddhist ceremonies are regularly celebrated on the first floor, four elevators, air conditioning, shops and toilets.

Prices and facilities vary from one floor to another. Some floors have spartan decorations while others multiply the statues of Buddha and display a few pieces of fine art. There is even a floor reserved for Taiwanese Christians!

Each floor has a great view on the surrounding ocean and mountains. A few have more expensive options such as miniature living room placed in front of the urn and decorated according to the tastes of the deceased.

The service is very effective with a counter served by several representatives of the company seeking to sell the 3 remaining floors still available.

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