Une des parties de la préparation consiste à préparer des fleurs de lotus. Normalement, les membres de la famille en achètent 108 pré-faits assemblés par des petites entreprises familiales, mais nous avons préférés faire nous mêmes:
A part of the preparation is to prepare lotus flowers. Normally, family members buy 108 pre-made assembled by small family businesses, but we preferred to do ourselves:

Cela peut paraitre surprenant, mais le papier utilisé pour créer les fleurs de lotus ont des croix gammées! C'est en fait un symbole bouddhiste qui précède de longtemps son utilisation par les nazis. C'est encore très visible en Asie pour identifier les restaurants bouddhistes (et donc végétariens) par exemple.
It may seem surprising, but the paper used to create the lotus flowers have swastikas! Swastikas are in fact a Buddhist symbol that that pre-dates its use by the Nazis. It is still very visible in Asia to identify restaurants Buddhists (and therefore vegetarians), for example.

A sign outside the funeral complex announces commemorations of the day.

The family had rented a projector to show the video Min Lin had prepared:

A small fountain is outside the hall where the ceremony is celebrated, which fortunately had air conditioning.

The Tzu Chi volunteers have participated in the ceremony in large numbers, preparing a number of offerings and offering a traditional song.

In less than 30 minutes, the altar is assembled by an army of volunteers who bring flowers, statues and display after removing the altar of the previous ceremony:

The photo prepared by Min Lin is the centrepiece of the altar:

Sur le trajet de retour s'ajoute un arrêt où le corps a été gardé réfrigiré pour confirmer l'identité et procéder à apporter le corps derrière l'autel pour le transfert du corps dans le cercueil.
The ceremony began by fetching the commemorative plaque and dolls representing servants. The umbrella is also a traditional element to protect the deceased from rain or sunshine. The Buddhist monk serves as a guide, followed by the daughter (Min Lin), which holds the pennant and the branch of bamboo. The son is behind with a commemorative plaque.
On the return trip a stop is added to get the body where it was kept, confirm the identity and proceed to bring the body behind the altar for the transfer to the coffin.
On the return trip a stop is added to get the body where it was kept, confirm the identity and proceed to bring the body behind the altar for the transfer to the coffin.

Le cercueil est ensuite poussé vers l'incinérateur et la famille assiste à son placement dans celui-ci.
Ensuite, la plaque commémorative et la photo sont immédiatement rapportées à la maison pour être placé sur l'autel familial. La photo est gardée emballé pour la durée d'un an.
This is followed by a ceremony where the life of the deceased is remembered and last greetings are presented by friends and family. A bouquet, food and a glass of water as well as incense is offered. Once the celebration ended, family members present their last goodbyes to the body (which is always left behind the altar) and the coffin closed.
The coffin was then pushed to the incinerator.
Then, the commemorative plate and the cameras are immediately brought home to be placed on the family altar. The photo is kept hidden from view for one year.

Nous avons ensuite transporté l'urne au columbarium. Après quelques procédures, l'urne est placé dans son casier, un seul bâton d'encens suivant l'urne de l'autel au rez-de-chaussée au troisième étage du columbarium.
Returning to funerary complex, we retrieve the remaining bones for incineration. Contrary to the west, pieces of a few centimeters are kept rather than just ashes. An individual bone is placed in the urn by each child before the rest is placed by an employee of the funeral complex.
We then transported the urn the columbarium. After a few procedures, the urn is placed in his locker, a single stick of incense following the urn from the altar at the ground floor to the third floor of the columbarium.

The incense stick is then placed outside:

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